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I watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I do. And I want to write about it and how it makes me feel.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ali as the next Bachelorette

See her first promo photos here.

The Bachelorette two-hour premiere airs on ABC Monday, May 24 from 8-10pm.

Monday, March 1, 2010

If you missed the live chat

You missed a great time of sharing and fun between friends. Join us again in the future. Next week Jason and Molly say I do.

p.s. check this's weird.

Tonight it all happens

Special Live Chat tonight for the finale. I hope to pick up the pace for future seasons, but for now, we WILL be having a live chat and IT WILL be awesome. I hope you join!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Jason and Molly Wedding!

Um, you must read this. Jason and Molly to be wed on TV!

And read this too. "Bachelor Pad" show in the fall with past cast members living in a house and doing competitions...hmm. Do they win something?

Monday, January 18, 2010


I do not anticipate a live review tonight, as something has come up (a friend from out of town). I will however do a twitter rundown when I watch the show tomorrow night.

Enjoy the show tonight! My heart is with you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I've done something I am ashamed of

Knowing the ending does not spoil things for me. I flip to the end of books to verify certain characters stay alive, I read plots before I go to movies...SO, checking out what Reality Steve (a well known reality TV blogger known for his spoilers.) didn't seem like a dangerous idea.

DEAR READER: I will never spoil the show for you here. That is not my purpose.

I read what Reality Steve had to say about the Bachelor, and to be honest, it left me more confused. It seems he has a high rate of predicting the outcomes of reality TV, but I still can't decide if I believe him. Example, Rozlyn was removed from the show for her "inappropriate relationship." Reality Steve says that ABC manufactured the seriousness of this friendship to force Rozlyn off the show. She was, you see, very angry that ABC wouldn't let her talk with her son as much as they had originally claimed.

Ok, ok, I was ready to believe old Reality Steve. But after watching the show, the little snippets that they showed of Rozlyn's reaction left me believing something really did happen. Why would she act as if there were not words for her actions if she didn't commit some type of wrong?

My best friend, Stephanie, notes that she is drawn to place her trust in Chris Harrison, the host. I liked that response, but Chris is paid. If only we really knew we could trust Chris.

Who do we trust? And why am I asking for trust from a reality TV show?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Premiere Recap!

Last night was AWESOME! Can I tell you how great it feels to let my love for bachelor be professed in theopen in form of blog? Thank you to all who showed up last night to follow live twittering.

The show was a typical premiere- the intrigue was in rash judgements. It would be stressful to have to pick in so little time. Although, I guess that is how the first step in most dating relationships work. There is a world of women (or men!) around us, and we must decide whether to approach or not based on looks/brief words.

Listen up, Jake. This isn't the hard part. You better be prepared to deal with mixed emotions and dual affections--I cannot take another Jason episode. I want hissy fits and wild confessions (and behind the scenes affairs! btw- it was a crew member and one of the ladies), but no change of heart after you decide who your final choice is.

And now reader, a few things that you might enjoy perusing:

btw, I watched conveyor belt of love afterward. um. I'm definitely proud of Blond Bomshell and Chris Farley.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Things to Look Into

*Jake's Bachelor Blog
We'll be reading this in the days to come.

Rumor: Sparkle dress Vienna has a fling with one of the show's producers during the filming? We will look into this. This article suggests it could be two of the contestants who have a sexual affair...

Bachelor Tonight

Join me from 7-9pm tonight watching the first episode of this season's Bachelor!

Live blogging during the show, analysis and assurance you are not the only one that is a little bit obsessive about watching.

*word on the street is that Jillian and Ed will be advising Jake. Can't wait to see how the vibe is between them all.