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I watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I do. And I want to write about it and how it makes me feel.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm making lofty promises

I told my husband Ryan that I plan to watch and blog simultaneously when the next season of Bachelor starts, and I am getting pumped up.

Soon, the commercials will start. They will flash bright, sexy ads with all the right snippets of conversation to get me, the targeted viewer, to vow my Monday nights over to ABC.

There is nothing much up yet at ABC's Bachelor/Bachelorette website. I'll be sure to post when the bios are up of all the women vying for old Jake's attentive gaze.

JANUARY 4th @ 7pm central time. Be on your couch and online reading my instant updates and viewing the Bachelor.

(Um, are his arms even real? He needs a girlfriend, so he has more to do than lift weights all the time. Not that I am against his arms. They are nice. *Certainly, there will be more on this topic later.)

Monday, November 23, 2009

2010 Approaches

To prove how sucked in by the show I am, I was too focused to even blog about it. I think a few other responsibilities in my life kept me from blogging too, but those have cleared and there is a new season ahead in 2010.

Last season, Jake became a man of interest. He has great posture and talks with a drawl. His MO was that women always overlooked him because, in their words, he is "too perfect." I dare say he came across as Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. However, he's smart, has a good job and seems uber nice. I think it will be interesting to watch the overly nice guy try to navigate the Bachelor scene. I mean, if you are Mr. Manners and Morals, how will you handle so many ladies? Will the women be into that?