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I watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I do. And I want to write about it and how it makes me feel.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - The Bachelor - The Bachelorette Announcement - The Bachelor - The Bachelorette Announcement

ABC intoduced the Bachelorettes on their website. Pictures, ages, occupations and hometowns. Click above and check the ladies out. I'll post my picks later.

Comment of intrigue for the day (said in comment section about bachelorette Beth. I'll highlight the best parts.):
I've known Beth for about 15 years. She must be outta money or desperate for a man because this is SO like her. Back when we went to school together she was a backstabber, a liar, and NOT a very good friend. In fact, I'm not sure how many friends from "the good ole days" she's even is in contact with anymore. She moves around a lot, uses men to get what she wants (she was sued by an ex for money she "borrowed" and never paid back You can see her on an episode of Christina's Court). AND a "nanny?" I highly doubt it. She uses that as an occupation so people don't ask questions. And I'm sure she's good with kids...oh wait, she gave her own up for adoption!!

There is some serious drama on the horizon.

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